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Attack on dance

[Dance Attack Project](Outside Ver.)  Photo by 新井嘉宏


Concept・DirectionPerformer/Ney Hasegawa


振付・出演/江頭慶子 冠 舞由 菅原理子 高谷 楓 トビハ ハチロウ 前田新奈 松原東洋 吉本知世

Choreography・Performer/KeikoEgashira  MayuKanmuri  RikoSugawara  KaedeTakaya  Tobiha  Hachiro  NiinaMaeda  ToyoMatsubara  TomoyoYoshimoto





冨士山アネットとしての2年ぶりの単独本公演は、Dance Track Projectにて初演された短編を改訂、長編新作として上演致します。

[The Absence of the City]で描いた、「What is Dance?」という疑問について、多様なジャンルのダンサーを集めて質問。





— Occasionally how we dance describes the world humorously.


The newest production of Fujiyama Annette after 2 years silence, developed from the short piece that performed as a part of “Dance Track Project”,

will be performed as a full evening show.   

The question “What is Dance?” that has described in the past piece “The Absence of the City” will be asked to dancers who get together from various genres.

From answers of them, it shows the world itself.

The image we have and a feeling something is wrong about dance will be displayed by a matter-of-fact attitude.

This is an inquiry sent to dance from theatre.

[Attack On Dance](SHAWING Ver.)Photo by MILLA

[Dance Attack Project](Outside Ver.)  Photo by 森 正

The Absence of the City Project

Fujiyamaannette  [ Attack on dance ]

Fujiyamaannette × dance theatre 4p International collaboration  [ black tomatoes ]

2015/2/12-15 at Noge Schale     Participate in TPAM in YOKOHAMA


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by FujiyamaAnnette

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