Photo by Hideki Namai
About ”The Absence of the City Project”
[ What is dance? ]
この呼掛けを通じて日韓や境界について、ダンスから世界へと演劇的に探った作品[The Absence of the City](2012 SPAF(ソウル国際芸術祭)招聘 at ソウル/Daehangno Arts Center、2013 BeSeTo演劇祭参加 at 東京/新国立劇場 京都/京都芸術センター ソウル/M Theater)のコンセプトはそのままに[Black Tomatoes][Attack On Dance]と冨士山アネットが新作を2本交互上演致します。
FujiyamaAnnette × Dance Theatre 4P日韓国際共同制作である[Black Tomatoes]は日韓の振付家/舞踊手にひとつのテーマを与えてソロを制作して貰った後その経緯をインタヴューし、アジアの身体を探る新作。
冨士山アネット新作[Attack On Dance]は多種多様なジャンル・出自のダンサーに集まって貰い、それぞれのダンス観を質問しながら、人間の多様性に迫ります。
"The Absence of the City Project" is a combo of FujiyamaAnnette’s new creation and a collaboration piece with the Dance Theatre 4P from South Korea. Fujiyama Annette’s new creation Attack on Dance approaches the diversity of people through asking a set of questions to many dancers with diverse backgrounds. Meanwhile, in the collaboration piece entitled Black Tomatoes, two dancers, one from Japan and the other from South Korea, are given the same theme to make a solo piece each. The performance will be followed by a discussion about how those pieces are created in order to question what the Asian body is about. Using the methodology of theater and through dialogue with dancers, the both programs question what is dance, and what is nationality.
2003年冨士山アネット設立。戯曲より身体を起こす「ダンス的演劇(テアタータンツ)」にて活動中。国内多数入選・参加他スイスでの映像作品提供、シンガポール招聘、韓国SPAF2012国際共同制作発表等国外活動も盛ん。近年ではマイムやタップ等、他ジャンルとのコラボレーションを通じて作品の本質を見詰め直す「擬・ジャンル」をテーマとし様々な活動を行う。長谷川寧が映画[海月姫]、TVドラマ[アラサーちゃん 無修正]、フジファブリック、bonobos、EGO-WRAPPIN’等様々な媒体での振付提供も多数。
Since established in 2003, the company has been creating “dance theater” works inspired by theater plays. It has won various awards in Japan, created a video piece for a Swiss production, toured Singapore, and did a collaboration with a Korean company at SPAF. In recent years, it has done many collaboration projects with artists from other disciplines including pantomime and tap dancing. The choreographer has done choreographies for Drama & musicians including MOVIE[KURAGEHIME],TVDrama[Around 30 chan],Fuji Fabric, bonobos, and EGO-WRAPPIN’.