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長谷川 寧 Ney Hasegawa
Photo by Marc Doradzillo
作家, 演出家, 振付家, パフォーマー
writer, Director, Choreographer, Performer
近年は2016年[Attack On Dance]にて北京・サンパウロ・横浜と各地で滞在制作作品を発表する他、
2017年Theatertreffen International Forum(べルリン)に参加。
2018年[ENIAC](ジャカルタ/Djakarta ARTS COUNCIL招聘)、
2019年臺北國際藝術村(Taipei Artist Village)レジデンス採択、
2020年國家兩廳院(National Theater and Concert Hall,Taipei)IDEA’s LAB.参加、
2022年[United Me](ロンドン/ELECTRIC JAPAN2022招聘)。
両作にて2023北京・天橋音楽劇年度盛典 優秀演出賞・優秀振付賞・年間影響力のあるミュージカル作品賞10選他作品が多数受賞。
FujiyamaAnnette was founded by Ney Hasegawa in 2003.
Through collaborations with new creators from various genres,
the company focuses on methodologically pushing the boundaries of Performing Arts genres
to refine the true essence of the artworks.
He is best known for Attack on Dance (2014/2016), which was performed in various locations
including Beijing, São Paulo and Yokohama.
He has participated in the Theatertreffen's International Forum (Berlin, 2017),
Received an artist-in-residence at TAIPEI ARTIST VILLAGE (Taipei, 2019),
participated in IDEA'SLAB from National Theater and Concert Hall,Taipei (Taipei, 2020),
Selected an KYOTO CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD finalist (Kyoto, 2021).
In 2018, He began directing and choreographing musicals in Shanghai, China.
Both productions won the Best Direction Award, the Best Choreography Award, and the 10 Most Influential Musicals of the Year Award at the Beijing-Tianqiao Musical Theatre Annual Grand Awards in 2023. Through his artistic activities in Japan and abroad,
he seeks to find and cultivate new ideas emerging from Asia.
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